Affordable Solar is Within Reach
Illinois Solar for All is a state program that makes solar energy more affordable for income-eligible residents and the organizations that serve them.
Created by the State of Illinois to meet its renewable energy goals, Illinois Solar for All focuses on the people and communities who can benefit the most from the solar energy economy. This includes income-eligible and environmental justice communities.
Eligible participants can receive affordable solar installations or community solar subscriptions and save money on electric bills. The program ensures that participants work with qualified and vetted solar companies, called Approved Vendors.
Made Possible by State Legislation
Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) was created by the Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) in 2016 to meet the state’s renewable energy goals and expand the reach of solar energy. FEJA resulted from meaningful collaboration between energy companies, environmental groups, and consumer advocates. FEJA requires 100 percent use of renewable energy sources in Illinois by 2050, including making solar energy more available to income-eligible residents and communities.
The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act expanded the Illinois Solar for All program in 2021. The expansion updated several provisions related to ILSFA by increasing available funding to prioritize areas of Illinois previously underserved by the Program, adjusting funding allocations across sub-programs, increasing efforts at development by small and emerging businesses, and encouraging the development of projects promoting energy sovereignty.
In 2023, Illinois Solar for All was named a grand prize winner of the U.S. Department of Energy’s American-Made Sunny Awards. The award recognized the program for serving as a blueprint for community solar programs that increase low-to-moderate-income households’ access to community solar subscriptions while providing electricity bill savings.