COVID-19 Program Adjustments
The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) is taking protective measures amidst the COVID-19 pandemic that will impact Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA). These changes include, but are not limited to, suspending in-person workshops and onsite inspections. The health and safety of ILSFA participants, vendors, educators, and staff is our priority, and we will continue to adhere to official orders and recommendations. Please refer to the IPA’s COVID-19 Announcement for more information about changes to the ILSFA program.
Should further program adjustments be necessary, we will post on our website’s Announcements webpage and notify those affected. We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
RFP Deadline Extended
Attention, community organizations! The due date for grassroots education funding proposals has been extended to accommodate COVID-19 disruptions. The new deadline is Monday, April 6, 2020 at 11:59 PM CDT. Community organizations statewide are invited to submit funding proposals for educational campaigns to drive participation in ILSFA in low-income and environmental justice communities.
- Visit the Grassroots Education webpage to learn more and view RFP resources.
- Submit proposals to grassroots@IllinoisSFA.com.
- View the RFP.
Single-Family Projects Approved
The first small residential solar projects have been approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission to participate in ILSFA! Nine projects will be installed on the rooftops of single-family homes throughout the South and Southwest Sides of Chicago, including the neighborhoods of West Lawn, South Shore, Auburn Gresham, Calumet Heights, and West Pullman. Homeowners will not incur any upfront costs and are guaranteed savings on their electricity costs. Together the projects will offset just under 60 metric tons of carbon emissions every year – that’s equal to the emissions sequestered by 77 acres of forests in a year. Read more about ILSFA’s approved projects.
More Ways to Reduce Energy
ILSFA is one of many programs seeking to improve the lives of Illinois residents by reducing their energy burden. Energy efficiency programs, bill assistance programs, health and safety programs, and building improvement programs are also available throughout the state to help owners and tenants of residential buildings and non-profit facilities save money, live safely, and improve their building’s energy performance. ILSFA’s updated Program Resources Guide provides important information about the various programs available.
Updated Program Guidelines
The Illinois Commerce Commission recently issued its final order on the IPA’s Revised Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan. Revisions to the Plan impact certain ILSFA guidelines and as such, the IPA and the Program Administrator will be issuing a new version of the Approved Vendor Manual prior to the opening of the next program year’s project submission window. Updates to the Project Selection Protocol will also be released soon, along with a request for comments – stay tuned for further details!