Income-Eligibility Intake Form - Illinois Solar for All

Verify Your Income Eligibility

To participate in the Illinois Solar for All program, residents need to verify their income eligibility. Please complete the form below to confirm your eligibility for affordable solar and a brighter future! Your information will be sent to the ILSFA program team.

Alternatively, you can contact one of our qualified and vetted solar companies, called Approved Vendors, to verify your income.

If you have any questions regarding income verification, please contact the program team at 1.888.970.ISFA.

ILSFA Income Eligibility Intake Form

Please note this form takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. 

Income eligibility via this website is not available for buildings with five or more units. If you are  interested in income eligibility for a 5+ unit building please contact an Approved  Vendor. If you are interested in subscribing to a community solar project you can find a list of community projects here. For additional information, please contact the Program Administrator at 1-888-970-ISFA
Income eligibility via this website is currently limited to owner occupied single family homeowners and those interested in participating in community solar. If you are interested in income eligibility for a 2-4 unit building, or a building you do not live in, please call 1-888-970-ISFA or fill out the form below to receive a follow up call or email. If you would like to proceed as an individual, you can complete your income eligibility for a community solar project.
Community Solar
What is community solar?

Community solar allows eligible participants to benefit from solar energy without installing panels on their own properties. This option is available for renters and homeowners that have their own electricity account. Through community solar, you can subscribe to a portion of a solar system that is located offsite and receive credits on your electricity bill. Credits are based on the electricity generated by the solar system. View the Department of Energy’s quick video on community solar.

Based on the building characteristics you provided and stated program interests you do not qualify for income pre-qualification through the website. You may still qualify for Illinois Solar for All by working directly with an Approved Vendor. Fill out the information below for follow-up information or call us directly for further assistance at 1-888-970-ISFA.
Contact Information

If you are interested in adding solar to a building you live in or own, please provide the address below. If you are interested in community solar, please provide your home address.

This program is for Illinois residents only.

For example, Cook, Macon, Knox.

Use the submit button below to receive a follow-up call with more information.

Property Characteristics

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Your responses will be a helpful first step in determining whether your home or building is a good fit for solar.

Electrical Information

Electrical Fuse Box
Electrical Panel With Breakers
fuse box
Electrical Panel with breakers
Solar Panel Location

The solar panels can be located on your roof or in your yard. Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability.

Note, you can select more than one option if you’re not sure whether roof or ground-mounted solar is better suited for your home or building. Select those that apply.  

Please note a complete site assessment conducted by an ILSFA Approved Vendor is required to determine if your site is suitable for a solar system.

Income Eligibility Documentation Information

There are three options to choose from. Members over the age of 18, of the household may use different options to determine income eligibility. For example, one member may provide documentation from Medicaid from Option 1 and additional members may use income information from a credit reporting agency in Option 2. Please keep in mind the programs listed under Option 1, except Medicaid, are household benefits and do not require the use of additional options as proof of income-eligibility for other members of the household.

Option 1:

    a: Household proof of enrollment in an income-eligible program

    b: Medicaid 

Option 2: Income verification through a credit reporting agency

Option 3: Income Affidavit - This can only be used in limited circumstances and cannot be used if you are able to utilize Option 1a, Option 1b, or Option 2.

Click here for more details on each income eligibility option and requirements. For household members over the age of 18 you will select the income eligibility option and documentation in the section below. 

Any sensitive personal information must be covered or concealed before submitting. Physically covering information with a piece of paper, on a copy of the document is an example of how to conceal information.

Do not alter your original documents.

Examples of sensitive personal information include social security number, driver’s license number, taxpayer ID number, patient ID number, financial account number, or credit card numbers.  Documentation sent with visible sensitive personal information will be immediately deleted or destroyed to protect your privacy and a corrected copy will be requested.

Documentation must be issued by the program and include the program name, recipient name and address, and date issued.

There are four options to choose from. Members over the age of 18, of the household may use different options to determine income eligibility. For example, one member may provide documentation from Medicaid from Option 2 and additional members may use income information from a credit reporting agency in Option 3. Please keep in mind the programs listed under Option 2, except Medicaid, are household benefits and do not require the use of additional options as proof of income-eligibility for other members of the household.


Option 1: Property is located in a Low Income Census Tract (Click here to see if you live in a Low Income Census Tract.)

Option 2:

    a: Household proof of enrollment in an income-eligible program

    b: Medicaid 

Option 3: Income verification through a credit reporting agency

Option 4: Income Affidavit - This can only be used in limited circumstances and cannot be used if you are able to utilize Option 1, Option 2a, Option 2b, or Option 3.

Click here for more details on each income eligibility option and requirements. For household members over the age of 18, you will select the income eligibility option and documentation in the section below. 

Any sensitive personal information must be covered or concealed before submitting. Physically covering information with a piece of paper, on a copy of the document is an example of how to conceal information.

Do not alter your original documents.

Examples of sensitive personal information include social security number, driver’s license number, taxpayer ID number, patient ID number, financial account number, or credit card numbers.  Documentation sent with visible sensitive personal information will be immediately deleted or destroyed to protect your privacy and a corrected copy will be requested.

Documentation must be issued by the program and include the program name, recipient name and address, and date issued.

Income Eligibility Documentation of ALL Household Members

Please list the name, month and year of birth, and annual income for EACH household member. Use the "Add Household Member" button to add a person to your household. 

Household size and annual income are used to determine eligibility. Income refers to gross income or pretax income. This includes household members 18 or under. If a household member has no income, please enter "0" for their annual income.

After this form is submitted, you will receive an email from the Program Administrator with instructions to collect your personal information to submit to a credit reporting agency.

By selecting Income Affidavit, I affirm that the information I provided is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and is made in good faith. I also understand that the information I am providing is subject to verification

Mail copies of your documentation to:
Elevate - Illinois Solar for All
322 S Green St., Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60607

Do NOT mail original copies.

Numbers only. No characters
Certifying Household Income Documentation

Ctrl + Click to highlight multiple options. 

This includes both children and adults.

Click here to view the income chart.

Vendor Referral Program 

Income eligible households of a single-family building that have been determined to be income eligible may participate in our Referral Program. Through the Referral Program, your contact information and basic building information will be shared with Approved Vendors that have provided standard offers. You may find a list of participating Approved Vendors in this document.  This is optional.

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions:

  • You have read, agree to, and have met all program terms and conditions as outlined in this form.
  • You have the authority to provide the information in this form. You have the consent of the individuals in your household whose information is included.
  • All of the information contained in this form and any supporting documentation is complete, true and correct, and all income of the household members has been fully disclosed.
  • You understand that, subject to applicable law, the information provided in this Income Verification Request Form will be used for the permissible purpose above including, but not limited to, determining program eligibility, monitoring compliance with the program, assessing the program, and modifying and/or improving the program.
  • You are the property owner or, if you are not the property owner, you have obtained the consent of the property owner to participate in the program.
  • You consent to the Program Administrator requesting and obtaining income information from the sources listed in this form for the purpose of verifying your household’s eligibility for the program including, but not limited to, the following information: State and federal tax returns and tax return information
  • Sources of Information: Equifax
  • Information provided on, or in connection with, this Income Verification Request Form are subject to verification, and you agree to furnish supporting documents or additional information as requested.
  • You will promptly update or correct any information furnished on, or in connection with, this Income Verification Request Form if you become aware of any change to, or inaccuracy of, such information during your participation in the program.
  • Intentional misstatements, falsification or failure to update or correct this Income Verification Request Form may result in ineligibility for, or termination from, the program. By submitting this form, you are agreeing to receive emails about Illinois Solar for All from ILSFA Approved Vendors.
Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions:

•    You have read, agree to, and have met all program terms and conditions as outlined in this form.
•    You have the authority to provide the information in this form. You have the consent of the individuals in your household whose information is included.
•    All of the information contained in this form and any supporting documentation is complete, true and correct, and all income of the household members has been fully disclosed.
•    You understand that, subject to applicable law, the information provided in this Income Verification Request Form will be used for the permissible purpose above including, but not limited to, determining program eligibility, monitoring compliance with the program, assessing the program, and modifying and/or improving the program.
•    You consent to the Program Administrator requesting and obtaining income information from the sources listed in this form for the purpose of verifying your household’s eligibility for the program including, but not limited to, the following information: State and federal tax returns and tax return information
•    Sources of Information: Equifax
•    Information provided on, or in connection with, this Income Verification Request Form are subject to verification, and you agree to furnish supporting documents or additional information as requested.
•    You will promptly update or correct any information furnished on, or in connection with, this Income Verification Request Form if you become aware of any change to, or inaccuracy of, such information during your participation in the program.
•    Intentional misstatements, falsification or failure to update or correct this Income Verification Request Form may result in ineligibility for, or termination from, the program. By submitting this form, you are agreeing to receive emails about Illinois Solar for All from ILSFA Approved Vendors.”

    How is income eligibility determined?

    There are three options available to determine household income eligibility.

    Option 1a: Proof of enrollment in another income-eligible program. Provide documentation of approval or current enrollment within the last 12 months in one of the income-eligible programs listed below. This documentation must be issued by the program and include the program name, recipient name, address, and date issued.

    View the list of income-eligible programs.

    Option 1b: Household is in an Income-Eligible Census Tract and has 80% or less AMI. This option is only available to those subscribing to an ILSFA Community Solar project. The online tool can check if your address is in an Income-Eligible Census Tract. Also, check the income tool to see if your household qualifies.

    Option 2: Income verification through a credit reporting agency. Provide basic personal information such as name, DOB, and address for each adult household member to the Program Administrator. This will be entered into a credit reporting agency’s secure portal. In some circumstances, it may require providing your social security number. The credit reporting agency will provide your income history for the last 12 months to the Program Administrator.

    Please note utilizing this option does not affect your credit score.

    Option 3: Submitting an Income Affidavit. The Income Affidavit is for adult household members that have cash income, no income, or income that is not otherwise documented on paystubs, statements, letters, etc. The Income Affidavit can only be used in limited circumstances and cannot be used if you are able to utilize Option 1 or Option 2.