Use the headings below to navigate to different categories of the Illinois Solar for All program materials, documentation, the Approved Vendor Portal, and other resources. Refer to the Approved Vendor Manual and the Part I Project Submission Guidelines for instructions on when to complete and submit required documents.

July 13, 2023, Office Hours Session: Residential Solar Disclosures
August 25, 2023, Office Hours Session: Home Repairs and Upgrades Pilot
September 22, 2023, Office Hours Session: Energy Sovereignty
October 27, 2023, Office Hours Session: Prevailing Wage
December 8, 2023, Office Hours Session: Income Eligibility
January 19, 2024, Office Hours Session: Illinois Solar for All Marketing Requirements
February 16, 2024, Office Hours Session: Community Solar Bulk Upload Process
March 15, 2024, Office Hours Session: Community Solar Updates
April 18, 2024, Office Hours Session: Part II Submission Process
May 17, 2024, Office Hours Session: REC Annual Reports
June 21, 2024, Office Hours Session: Job Training Requirements