A Just Harvest Annual Meeting & Roundtable Offering A Legacy of Love; A Vision of Wellness Wednesday, May 10th, 2023 Starting with Happy Hour & An Open House ?4-6 p.m.   This year, A Just Harvest marks 40 years as an anchor resource in the Rogers Park community serving more than 55,000 meals annually, while becoming a community-led wellness hub.   This year's Annual Meeting and Roundtable Offering brings our loving and collaborative founders, Rev. Bob and Megan Tschannen-Moran, and our equally loving and visionary southside co-conspirators, Rev. Otis and Monica Moss into a conversation around our anniversary theme ~ A Legacy of Love; A Vision of Wellness.   Given the times we live in and the experience of our guests, we are excited for this rich and provocative dialogue facilitated by our executive director, Rev. Dr. Marilyn Pagán-Banks. We also look forward to your comments, questions, vision, and stories in this vital conversation.   Please register today  here !   Every  member organization  that attends this in-person event will receive a gift bundle — including a signed copy of  Dancing in the Darkness , by Rev. Moss.   Our May 10th Happy Hour and Open House is an inaugural event in a series of spaces we will co-create with the community to commemorate our 40th Anniversary over the next year.   *********   ?Affectionally known as Pastor Bob, he served as the President of LifeTrek Coaching International and as CEO of the Center for School Transformation. Along with Megan, they have had a lifelong commitment to serving distressed and marginalized communities, especially in educational leadership. She currently serves as a Professor of Educational Leadership at the William & Mary School of Education.   Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III is the Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ and spent the last two decades practicing and preaching a Black theology that unapologetically calls attention to the problems of mass incarceration, environmental justice, and economic inequality. First Lady Monica is an advocate for healthy food access and sharing resources that enhance and improve opportunities for families and children. She is a Board Member of McCormick Theological Seminary and Co-Chair of The First Ladies Health Initiative.