Urbana Non-Profit Saves Over $16,000 Annually on Energy Through Illinois Solar for All - Illinois Solar for All
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Urbana Non-Profit Saves Over $16,000 Annually on Energy Through Illinois Solar for All

Cunningham Children’s Home, a non-profit that works with youth and families experiencing hardship in Urbana, is enjoying energy savings thanks to Illinois Solar for All.

Ginger Mills, Director of Advancement for Cunningham Children’s Home, explained how the solar project benefited the Noel Education Center (NEC). “Now that we have solar on the outside of the NEC, the building is state-of-the-art on the inside as well as the outside,” Mills said.

“We will save over $16,000 a year,” Mills continued. “That will help us direct some of those resources to the youth and families we serve, and to provide the critical needs for them.”

She recommended Illinois Solar for All to non-profits and homeowners who want to see savings on energy bills.

Video courtesy of Prairie Rivers Network.

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