Home Repairs Allow Chicago Homeowner to Access Affordable Solar Energy - Illinois Solar for All
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Home Repairs Allow Chicago Homeowner to Access Affordable Solar Energy

Gerald Jones, a homeowner in Chicago’s West Chesterfield neighborhood, participated in Illinois Solar for All to save money on electric bills. To make his home solar-ready, Jones received electrical repairs through participation in the Home Repairs and Upgrades initiative, which paved the way for his solar installation.

Jones shares the ease of participating in Illinois Solar for All’s Residential Solar sub-program and the positive experience he had working with the ILSFA team.

“The enrollment process was very easy. All I had to do was sit down and take my time and read,” said Jones. “With the help of the [ILSFA team], they walked me right through it.”

Jones recommends the program for other homeowners to save money on their electric bills. “Illinois Solar for All is one of the best programs,” he said. “I’ve been trying to tell everyone, if you can, that’s the program to go [to].”

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