Champaign County Non-Profit Seizes Solar Savings Opportunity - Illinois Solar for All
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Champaign County Non-Profit Seizes Solar Savings Opportunity

Leaders at Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club, a non-profit that serves the families and youth of Champaign County, installed a solar project through Illinois Solar for All.

Charles Burton, Executive Director of Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club, shared how the solar project proved beneficial. “Over the last two years, we have been able to put our savings from energy back into our youth and families, and positively impact our community,” Burton said.

He described the process of starting with Illinois Solar for All as straightforward. “Overall, it was an easy process. We worked with a developer, there was no interruption of our services, and we were able to create savings,” Burton said.

He recommended Illinois Solar for All as an opportunity to save money on energy bills.

Video courtesy of Prairie Rivers Network.

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