The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA)
We’re excited about the passing of CEJA, which is comprehensive clean energy legislation that focuses on ensuring the benefits and opportunities created by Illinois’ growing clean energy economy are reaching communities equitably. This law will fight climate change, improve the health of Illinois residents, create jobs, and support underserved communities.
CEJA provides additional opportunities within Illinois Solar for All with additional funding and changes to subprograms within the program. This will enable us to support more projects and help Illinois residents save money while providing opportunities for small and emerging solar developers and promoting energy sovereignty.
Learn more about CEJA’s impact on the Illinois Solar for All Program by registering for the Illinois Power Agency’s webinar on Friday, November 12, 2021, at 12:00 PM CT.
Sign up to receive announcements from the Illinois Power Agency here.
Resources for Residential Households
Homeowners of single-family homes interested in residential solar through ILSFA can now work with the Program Administrator to check whether they’re income-eligible before reaching out to an Approved Vendor. More information about the income verification process is available here.
Homeowners of single-family or two-to-four unit buildings can also compare solar offers among participating Approved Vendors. This listing provides details about four solar offers allowing customers to compare rates, contract lengths, and payment types, and more. The recently revised offer table now reflects opportunities for residents in single-family and small multi-family households across the entire State.
Grassroots Organizations in the Spotlight
The Illinois Solar for All grassroots organizations continues to hold online and limited in-person events to help educate communities and interested participants about their options and navigating the Program. These grassroots organizations are also supporting non-profit, public, and privately-owned affordable housing owners in Chicago, Central, and Southern Illinois to secure financial benefits for their tenants.
Organizations like BCMW Community Services, based in Centralia, Illinois, are using creative ways to conduct one-on-one outreach to residents during the pandemic. For example, BCMW partnered with the City of Centralia to include information on Illinois Solar for All in 6,000 water bills leading to a large spike in local awareness and interest. View our Events page for more information.
Interested in learning more or receiving one-on-one support? You can find grassroots educators in your area using the online directory and map here. Note that the map shows where organizations’ main offices are located, some work in multiple regions. If you don’t see your area represented, you can also get more information from the Program Administrator at 1-888-970-ISFA or info@IllinoisSFA.com, including whether there are Grassroots Education efforts near you.
Consider encouraging local non-profits to apply for Grassroots Education funding to ensure that the benefits of Illinois Solar for All are reaching your community; the next funding cycle is planned to begin on July 1, 2022.
ILSFA Program Update
Low-Income Distributed Generation
The Program Administrator is accepting income-eligible residential solar project applications for single-family and multi-family homes throughout Illinois on a rolling basis. Interested homeowners, property owners, and Approved Vendors can learn more about the eligibility and savings requirements here.
Low-Income Community Solar
Thirteen project applications for Community Solar were submitted during the open submission window with incentive values totaling over $46 million. Because the incentive values exceed the amount of funding available this year, Project Selection will be held on October 27, 2021, at 10:00 AM CT. If you are interested in observing the virtual Project Selection, please send an email to info@illinoisSFA.com to request an invitation.
Income-eligible Illinois residents interested in subscribing to an ILSFA community solar project can view the ILSFA Low-Income Community Solar (LICS) Subscriber Directory. The directory lists community solar projects that are either currently accepting subscribers or will begin accepting subscribers soon. Customers interested in a project should look to the details on the utility or geographic territory as well as targeted and eligible subscriber base to help determine if the project is right for them.
The information in this directory will be updated as current projects stop accepting subscribers and new projects are added.
Non-Profit/Public Facilities
Project Selection for the Non-Profit/Public Facility sub-program was held on August 11, 2021. More information about the Non-Profit/Public Facility Project Selection, selected projects, and waitlist can be found here.
Job Posting: Approved Vendor Manager
Illinois Solar for All is hiring an Approved Vendor Manager to join our team! We’re looking for a candidate that can support the Approved Vendors who develop and install ILSFA solar projects.
Click here for more information and to apply.
ILSFA in the News
Read about the Sisters of St. Benedict, St. Mary Monastery’s journey to solar installation on their properties in Rock Island.