Grassroots Education Request for Proposals
Are you an organization that can help share information about the benefits of Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) with your community? Local organizations can receive up to $50,000 each to develop and implement grassroots education campaigns that connect communities with the opportunities provided by ILSFA. Grassroots organizations are invited to submit proposals until Tuesday, March 26, 2019. You can also share this press release with your local newspaper, community newsletter, and constituents.
Now Accepting Approved Vendor Applications
Approved Vendor registration is now open. Head to the ILSFA website to learn important information about the different types of vendors and their roles, registration requirements, and the registration process. Several important documents are available to help Approved Vendor applicants understand ILSFA program requirements:
- Approved Vendor Manual 1.0
- Consumer Protections for Distributed Generation Projects
- Site Suitability Guidelines
Proposed Guidelines for Project and Participant Eligibility
Proposed guidelines for Project and Participant Eligibility and Verification Processes were released for public comment on Friday, February 22, 2019. The deadline to submit comments on the Eligibility and Verification document is Friday, March 8, 2019.
Get Involved 
There are many more ways to participate in the Illinois Solar for All program:
Job Training
See how ILSFA connects graduates from qualified job training programs with Approved Vendors and installers.
Environmental Justice Communities
25% of all ILSFA incentives will target projects in these communities. Learn how environmental justice communities were identified and use our interactive mapping tool to see which locations qualify.
Stay up-to-date with program announcements here.
Upcoming Stakeholder Feedback Session
The Program Administrator will soon be hosting a feedback session on the Project Selection Process and Inspection Process. Keep an eye out for the announcement and session details.