A key consumer protection requirement in the Illinois Solar for All program is the standard Disclosure Form, which includes information on consumer rights and makes it easy for participants to compare multiple offers. The Disclosure Form shows participants the expected terms for their specific offer, provides clear and consistent information about the ILSFA program, and estimates the savings for their residential solar installation or community solar subscription.

Getting to Know Your Disclosure Form

The Deep Dive into your Disclosure Form helps you understand the details of your Disclosure Form by walking you through the document, section by section.

If you are participating in the Residential Solar or Non-Profit and Public Facilities sub-programs, select one of the following deep dives based on the information found on the bottom of page three of your Disclosure Form regarding the Smart Inverter (Distributed Generation) utility rebate.

If you are participating in the Community Solar sub-program, please use the Community Solar drop-down options to select the type of deep dive that corresponds with your Disclosure Form.

A glossary of terms is provided at the end of each Deep Dive to support your understanding of the Disclosure Form.

Deep Dive into Residential Solar Disclosure Forms

Deep Dive into Non-Profit and Public Facilities Disclosure Forms

Deep Dive into Community Solar Disclosure Forms