Updates to the Community Solar Budget, Energy Sovereignty Carveouts, and Approved Vendor Manual - Illinois Solar for All

The Illinois Solar for All program has released new information about the Illinois Solar for All: Community Solar sub-program and updated program documents referencing energy sovereignty funding.

Community Solar Budget

In January, Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) initiated the Project Selection Protocol for the Illinois Solar for All: Community Solar sub-program for the six projects submitted. Three projects were selected and fully funded. The ILSFA program received additional funding from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) and allocated it to the Community Solar sub-program budget. This allowed the next two projects, which were offered a resizing option, to also become fully funded. The sixth and final project, which was waitlisted, received a resizing option.

Release of Energy Sovereignty Funding

The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) became aware that the 2024 Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan contains conflicting language regarding when the IPA will release funding reserved for energy sovereignty projects. For clarity, the IPA will release funding reserved for energy sovereignty projects in all sub-programs six months after the corresponding sub-program’s application window opens. Illinois Solar for All has updated the Project Selection Protocol Guidance and the Approved Vendor Manual for the current and upcoming program year to reflect this clarification.