Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) is releasing an updated Project Selection Protocol for the 2024-2025 Program Year (Program Year 7) beginning on June 1, 2024. The Project Selection Protocol is triggered when applications in the initial project submission window exceed the available annual funding for a given ILSFA sub-program. The new timelines for the project submission windows will be announced soon.

Once the current 2023- 2024 program year is completed, all submitted projects have been reviewed, and the program year is closed, the ILSFA Program Administrator will release updated Regional Environmental Justice Community Scores that will be applied to the selection protocol.

The changes to this updated Protocol for the 2024-2025 Program Year are not substantive. The redline of changes from the previous protocol reflects updates to the deadlines for the Energy Sovereignty carveout, as defined by the 2024 Long-Term Plan. Changes are not open for stakeholder feedback, as there would be little time for Approved Vendors to adapt their plans for the upcoming program year to significant selection changes. However, the ILSFA Program Administrator and the Illinois Power Agency intend to release a proposed updated Project Selection Protocol for the 2025-2026 Program Year in the fall of 2024 with more significant proposed changes to allow sufficient time for stakeholder feedback.