The Illinois Power Agency (the Agency) and the Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) Program Administrator are seeking feedback on the proposed changes to the Approved Vendor Manual for the 2024-2025 Program Year from both stakeholders and other interested parties.

The Program Administrator is publishing this draft of the updated Approved Vendor Manual to provide several clarifications and ensure ILSFA guidelines remain consistent with the 2024 Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan.

Responses will be made public and published on the ILSFA website. However, should a commenter seek to designate any portion of its response as confidential, that commenter should provide both public and redacted versions. Independent of that designation, if the Agency or the Program Administrator determines that a response contains confidential information that should not be disclosed, it reserves the right to provide its own redactions.

Responses are due by Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. CT and should be sent to

The Agency and the Program Administrator have made the following changes to the Approved Vendor Manual (Section 19.1 of the manual) and are seeking feedback on the following:

Chapter 1 

  • Updated reference to the 2024 Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan
  • Updated ILSFA Partner Firms
  • Added clarification on what constitutes Small and Emerging Businesses
  • Added information on the Small and Emerging Business Guide
  • Added information on updates to the Environmental Justice Community Map
  • Removed language about Grassroots Educators providing education about Energy Sovereignty
  • Added Chapter 1.4 with information on the Appeal Process

Chapter 2

  • Updated REC pricing
  • Added additional information on the Residential Pilot Programs
  • Added information on the Department of Energy Clean Energy Connector Tool
  • Clarified timeframes for sub-program budget carve-outs
  • Added information on a “To Be Determined” option for community solar disclosure forms

Chapter 3

  • Removal of Aggregator subtype
  • Added language about conditional approval for Approved Vendors
  • Added clarification on “Approved Vendor” and “Designee” type of vendor registrations
  • Added clarification around the role of “Sub-Contractors”
  • Updated links to Approved Vendor registration forms
  • Clarified the process for Violation of Program Requirements and Discipline for Approved Vendors
  • Added sub-section 3.8 discussing the renewal process for Approved Vendors

Chapter 4

  • Added language around Bright Neighborhoods participants in HUD Qualified Census Tracts and the option for use of the Income Affidavit form
  • Added additional language about public schools; clarifying that community colleges are considered public schools and can only participate in the IL Shines program
  • Moved Critical Service Provider language to another sub-section in Chapter 4, removed “Municipal administrative offices” from the list of eligible CSPs, and provided a new scoring rubric for CSP requests
  • Added scoring information for Critical Service Provider requests

Chapter 5

  • Added information on elective pay option, tax credits, direct pay and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
  • Added clarification about Non-Profit or Public Facilities projects that choose a purchase contract and what savings are required

Chapter 6

  • Income verification that meets the eligibility requirement is good for 12 months from date of validation
  • Approved Vendors must submit Part I within 12 months of income validation
  • Addition of the option for participants who live within HUD Qualified Census Tracts who are participating in the Bright Neighborhoods Pilot to sign an affidavit confirming that they make less than 80% Area Median Income
  • Added SNAPA cars that include a recipient’s name as a valid form of documentation for income verification
  • Added a “Method D” for the Bright Neighborhoods Pilot Program

Chapter 7

  • Added language regarding violation of ILSFA Marketing requirements or consumer protection guidelines
  • Added information about how to appeal any disciplinary action for violation of ILSFA Marketing requirements or consumer protection guidelines
  • Updated Marketing Messaging for clarity and accuracy
  • Added information about the Environmental Justice self-designation process

Chapter 8

  • Added information on a “To Be Determined” option in the Disclosure Form for an Illinois Solar for All community solar offer when the terms of the subscription are set but the specific project for the subscription has not been determined
  • Addition of sub-section 8.4 for Caps on Project Sizes
  • Removed reference of the savings calculator

Chapter 9

  • Added clarification around timeframes for EJC and Sovereignty budget carveouts

Chapter 10

  • Added a link to the flow chart for Co-location and Expansion Projects
  • Added information on expansion and co-location projects

Chapter 11

  • Noted that new REC contracts will be available for PY7
  • Added a sub-section on Claw Backs and Drawdowns
  • Included an updated graphic for the Project Flow Chart
  • Added language about transfer dates for REC delivery
  • Added paragraph about Flexibility in Batching to Facilitate Project Reassignment

Chapter 12

  • Added the requirement for Quarterly reporting for Community Solar projects beginning with PY7
  • Added clarification around a change in anchor tenant for community solar projects

Chapter 13

  • Highlighted REC invoicing option for community solar projects that are not fully subscribed at Part II approval
  • Added information and calendar graphic for Invoice Schedules

Chapter 15

  • Added prevailing wage language
  • Added language regarding Eligible Job Trainees qualifications

Chapter 16

  • Edited Consumer Protection Handbook language