The Illinois Power Agency and Illinois Solar for All Program Administrator (“Program Team”) have responded to stakeholder comments regarding the proposed changes to the Illinois Solar for All: Community Solar sub-program. These changes focus on additional flexibility surrounding customer acquisition.

Starting in Program Year 2024-2025 (Program Year 7), community solar providers can generate “To Be Determined” Disclosure Forms when they wish to enroll a customer but have not yet determined which specific community solar project the customer will be subscribed to.

Below is a redlined version of Chapters V and X of the Consumer Protection Handbook, which reflects the new requirements that will go into effect for Program Year 7. Relevant changes to Program requirements will be included in the redlined versions of the Consumer Protection Handbook and ILSFA Community Solar Contract Requirements that will be filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission in an appendix to the IPA’s Draft 2024 Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan.