The Illinois Power Agency and the Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) Program Administrator (the “Program Team”) are requesting stakeholder feedback on a proposal for more flexibility around customer acquisition in the Illinois Solar for All: Community Solar sub-program in Program Year 2023-2024 (Program Year 6). The proposed updates would allow community solar providers to not designate a specific community solar project at the time that the customer signs a Disclosure Form; instead, the Disclosure Form would indicate that the specific community solar project to which the customer will be subscribed is “To be Determined” (“TBD”). The redline of Chapters V and X of the Consumer Protection Handbook notates the addition of the Community Solar To Be Determined (TBD) designation process for review.

The Request for Comments document has specific questions on which feedback is sought. Commenters need not respond to every question and should not feel limited by these questions in providing feedback. Comments are welcome from both ILSFA stakeholders and other interested parties.

Responses will be made public and published on the ILSFA website. However, should a commenter seek to designate any portion of its response as confidential, that commenter should provide both public and redacted versions. Independent of that designation, if the Program Team determines that a response contains confidential information that should not be disclosed, it reserves the right to provide its own redactions.

Comments are due by Friday, August 25, 2023, and must be emailed to