The Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) Program Administrator has announced the Regional Environmental Justice Scores for the Cook County, North West, North East, West Central, East Central, and Southern regions.

To promote a proportional distribution of solar projects and funding to Environmental Justice Communities (EJCs), the Regional Environmental Justice Score was added to the Project Selection Protocol in Program Year 4 to award prioritization points to projects sited in underserved EJCs when Project Selection is required due to the total incentive value of eligible applications exceeding the available funding allocations or carveouts in any of the three sub-programs.

Explanation of Regional Environmental Justice Community Score

Each of the six regions receives a score based on past projects and corresponding potential location points (in some cases, no points will be received). The scores and points are calculated for each sub-program separately, and each score represents the percentage of all environmental justice community households located in that region divided by the percentage of all past years’ sub-program REC incentive values awarded in that region.

Points are assigned as follows:

  • The region with the highest score will receive 2 points.
  • Projects in the region with the second-highest score will receive 1 point.
  • Projects in any region without a score because they have received no RECs to date will also receive 1 point.

Regional Environmental Justice Community Score Location Points: Program Year 6*

*These points are calculated using PY1-PY5 projects and should be used for PY6 project selection.

Non-Profit and Public Facilities

Region New Non-Profit & Public Facilities Score (PY1-PY5) New Regional Points
Cook County 2.80 2
North East 0.84 1
North West 0.11 0
West Central 0.11 0
East Central 0.07 0
Southern 0.00 0

Community Solar

Region New Community Solar Score (PY1-PY5) New Regional Points
Cook County 6.56 2
North East 0.99 1
North West 0.06 0
West Central 0.41 0
East Central 0.02 0
Southern 0.00 0