The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) and Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) Program Administrator are seeking public comment on the Home Repairs and Upgrades Pilot Proposal. The 2022 Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan outlines the Home Repairs and Upgrades Pilot to address barriers faced by customers who cannot participate in the Illinois Solar for All: Residential Solar (Small) sub-program, despite eligibility, due to needed home maintenance or upgrades. The proposed pilot intends to increase Residential Solar (Small) participation by providing additional incentives to the Approved Vendors to make necessary roof repairs or electrical upgrades for solar installations on owner-occupied homes.

The Home Repairs and Upgrades Pilot Proposal and the Request for Comment documents contain details on the proposed program and questions for stakeholder feedback.

Stakeholders may comment on as many or as few of the questions in the Request for Comment as they would like. Also, stakeholders should not feel limited by the questions offered in the Request for Comment and may provide comments on the proposal beyond the scope of these questions. Responses to the Request for Comment are due by Wednesday, May 24, by 5 p.m. CT.  Stakeholders may submit responses to

The ILSFA Program Administrator has also scheduled a public webinar on Wednesday, May 17, from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. CT to review the proposal. The webinar will allow stakeholders to learn more about the pilot and have their questions answered by the Program Administrator. Register now to participate.