The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) seeks public comment on several proposals to update consumer protection documents for Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA). IPA proposes streamlining the disclosure forms, creating new consumer protection requirements, and clarifying existing requirements.

Several topics were discussed at the recent meetings of the expanded Consumer Protection Working Group. Two of the proposals address ILSFA topics.

IPA intends to finalize the documents for the 2024 Program Year beginning June 1, 2023. Additionally, IPA intends to provide final copies of the Consumer Protection handbook and the Contract Requirements at least 45 days before June 1.

The proposed new streamlined disclosure forms will take extensive time and resources to develop, and IPA plans to launch the new disclosure forms on the ILSFA portal on June 1. The ILSFA Program Administrator will hold a webinar to demonstrate how to generate the disclosure forms before the new forms are launched in the portal.

Due to this development timeline, the comments on the disclosure forms will be due earlier than comments on the other proposals.

Stakeholders may comment on as many or as few proposals as they would like. Also, stakeholders should not feel limited by the questions offered and may provide comments on these proposals beyond the scope of these questions. Stakeholders can use the sticky note tool in Acrobat to add comments to the PDFs.

View the following documents to provide feedback:

Comments on Proposal #1 (Disclosure Forms) are due Friday, December 30.

Comments on Proposals #2-13 are due Friday, January 27, 2023.

Submit comments to with the subject line “[Responding Entity Name] – Response to Consumer Protection Proposals.”