Residential Solar Update

The Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) Program Administrator announces that the incentive values for Residential Solar Small and Large projects submitted are below the available 2022-2023 program year budgets for those sub-programs and, therefore, the Project Selection Protocol will not be necessary.

The Program Administrator will open a rolling submission window for the Residential Solar Small and Large sub-programs on Friday, December 2, 2022. Approved Vendors are welcome to submit projects on a first come, first served basis until May 31, 2023, or until the relevant annual sub-program budget is exhausted, whichever comes first.

Non-Profit and Public Facilities Update

Approved Vendors submitted Non-Profit and Public Facilities projects with incentive values that total more than the available sub-program budget during the initial submission window. The Project Selection Protocol may be necessary if the total incentive value for eligible projects remains above the sub-program budget after the Program Administrator review and cure periods.

The Program Administrator will announce on January 13, 2023, if Project Selection is necessary. The Project Selection meeting is scheduled for January 19.

Community Solar Update

The Program Administrator will open the initial submission window for the Community Solar sub-program on January 30, 2023.

View the full application timelines for the 2022-2023 program year.
View the Project Dashboard for full REC values by sub-program.