U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Determination on Illinois Solar for All’s Community Solar Net Metering Credits - Illinois Solar for All

The Program Administrator is pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has determined Illinois Solar for All community solar net metering credits will be excluded from household income and utility allowance calculations for residents participating in HUD Multifamily rental assistance programs.

As a result of this determination, the solar credits will not induce a rent increase or utility allowance adjustment for residents in individually metered properties. This ensures that HUD program participants can benefit from ILSFA’s community solar projects by saving money on their electricity bills.

Illinois was one of three states (along with Washington, DC, and New York) that HUD provided guidance to on community solar net metering credits. The White House recently announced that this would be nationwide guidance as one of six new actions to lower home electricity costs for American families.

HUD’s determination only applies to ILSFA’s Community Solar program and not onsite solar projects (Distributed Generation) that serve income-eligible households via net metering. A determination on that program will be forthcoming.

Please read HUD’s determination letter for a complete list of the programs this determination applies to.

For questions, please contact ILSFA’s Vendor Management team at vendors@illinoisSFA.com or 1-888-970-4732.