Stakeholder feedback on the Illinois Solar for All evaluation is now available on the Illinois Power Agency (IPA) website. The comments are posted on the Renewable Resources Workshops Information page, under the Illinois Solar for All Evaluation Request for Stakeholder Comments section.

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback about the Illinois Solar for All evaluation criteria and reporting plan. The comments will be used by the IPA to shape the scope of evaluation of ILSFA, as well as the drafting of a Request for Qualifications and a Request for Proposals to select a Program Evaluator.  The ILSFA Program Evaluator will analyze program design, activities, and results to produce evaluation reports. Furthermore, this will help the IPA, the Illinois Solar for All Program Administrator, and program stakeholders to assess program successes and challenges that can inform program improvements.

For more information about the request for stakeholder feedback, visit the Illinois Solar for All website.