On July 14, 2022, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved the Illinois Power Agency’s (IPA) 2022 Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan. The Final Plan will be published by the Agency on its website in accordance with the Commission’s Order within 60 days, or by September 12, 2022. In conjunction with the ICC’s approval of the Long-Term Plan, the Commission also approved consumer protection documents filed with the Plan, with minor modifications.

The IPA has updated the Consumer Protection Handbook and Contract Requirements consistent with the Commission’s Order. Approved Vendors and Designees must be in full compliance with the new requirements in these documents by August 28, 2022. The new disclosures will be updated in the portal and ready for use beginning on August 28.  

Please carefully review these important documents that have been published on the ILSFA website:

The Consumer Protection Handbook replaces the ILSFA Low-Income Community Solar Consumer Protection Requirements and the Low-Income Distributed Generation Consumer Protection Requirements. The Consumer Protection Handbook consolidates the requirements from these documents, as well as updates, clarifies, and adds new requirements. Compared to the draft version of the Consumer Protection Handbook filed with the Long-Term Plan, the final Handbook includes:

  • Clarification regarding the use of the utility name in marketing (verbal statements and written materials).
  • Language explaining that notices of potential program violations must include information on possible penalties.

The ILSFA Distributed Generation Contract Requirements and the relevant Disclosure Forms now reflect that ILSFA participants have a 14-day window, rather than a 7-day window, to cancel an installation contract without penalty. There is no longer the required waiting period between signing the Disclosure Forms and the contract. The content of the remainder of the Contract Requirements documents remains the same as in the versions filed with the Long-Term Plan in March 2022.