Income Eligibility Thresholds Update Effective September 1 - Illinois Solar for All

The Program Administrator has updated the eligibility thresholds required for income verification of households participating in the residential and community solar sub-programs.

As required by law[1], participation in the ILSFA program is limited to persons and families whose income does not exceed 80% of Area Median Income (AMI), adjusted for family size and revised every five years. The income eligibility thresholds were established using 2017 data. They are now updated using 2022 data.

Use of the 2022 80% AMI thresholds will be required as of September 1. The Program Administrator will validate income verification based on the date of the signature on the Certification and Consent form. Any Certification and Consent forms signed before September 1 will be subject to the previous income thresholds, and any signed after September 1 will be subject to the current income thresholds. View the income eligibility tool for the most up to date information.

[1] 20ILCS 3855/1-56(b)