Amid a resurgence of COVID-19 cases spurred by the Delta variant, on August 26, 2021, Governor J.B. Pritzker issued COVID-19 Executive Order No. 87, which reinstates a statewide indoor mask mandate with an effective date of August 30. In light of the reinstated mask mandate for all Illinois residents regardless of vaccination status, the Illinois Power Agency has determined that it is appropriate to require compliance with the new reinstated mandate for the Adjustable Block Program and Illinois Solar For All for in-person marketing and solicitation.

In an effort to practice safe measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health of our community, door-to-door sales permitted under the Adjustable Block Program and Illinois Solar For All must follow the mask mandate. The requirement to wear masks indoors is applicable to both vaccinated and unvaccinated agents statewide during door-to-door sales. Entities whose agents violate these guidelines may be suspended from program participation.

Any agent engaged in door-to-door marketing or solicitation must wear a mask indoors during the time of customer interaction even while maintaining social distance. While masks are not required outdoors, agents meeting with potential customers in crowded outdoor areas are strongly encouraged to wear masks and maintain appropriate social distance from customers. Furthermore, if an agent is invited inside a potential customer’s home or business, the agent shall wear his or her mask during the entire stay.

Under previous iterations of the COVID-19 marketing guidelines, the Agency permitted passive forms of in-person marketing and solicitation, such as tabling at retail stores or public events. Any of these previously permitted in-person marketing activities may continue in accordance with the new mask and social distancing requirements.

Any door-to-door distribution of marketing materials through passive forms of solicitation (i.e., distribution of door hangers without knocking on doors) may also be conducted by agents without masks. In the event that passive marketing efforts result in direct contact with potential customers, the agent is required to promptly put on a mask.

The Agency will continue to monitor public health information as part of an ongoing assessment of these guidelines. The IPA will endeavor to provide updates to these guidelines as the public health situation continues to evolve.

Should you have questions about whether specific practices are permitted, please contact IPA Chief Legal Counsel Brian Granahan at