The Illinois Power Agency (IPA or Agency) has issued Request for Comments #1 to solicit stakeholder feedback as the Agency prepares to release the draft of the second Revised Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan (Long-Term Plan). This Request for Comments covers topics discussed at the June 25, 2021 Long-Term Plan Workshop 1 held by the Agency, which included discussions on legislative updates, RPS overview, equity, diversity & labor standards, and utility-scale procurements. Responses are due July 19, 2021. Request for Comments #1 can be found here. The recording and slide deck from Workshop 1 can be found here.

As a reminder, the IPA is hosting its second and third Long-Term Plan Update workshops on Wednesday July 7 and Tuesday July 13 from 1 PM to 4 PM CDT. These workshops will be held virtually through WebEx and require registration in advance. Information on workshop agendas and links to register can be found here.