Due to the ongoing legislative consideration of changes to the Illinois Renewable Portfolio Standard (“RPS”), the Illinois Power Agency has decided to postpone the previously announced Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan (“Long-Term Plan”) Update Workshops by one week. The workshops will now be taking place on June 18, 24, and 25, 2021.
These half-day morning workshops will be held virtually. The agendas for the workshops and meeting information will be released on June 11.
The first workshop on June 18 will include a high-level overview of the status of the Illinois RPS and the plan revision process. The subsequent workshops will focus on program and procurement details.
The workshops will be followed up with written requests for comments. Through these workshops and written comments, the Agency will be able to consider initial stakeholder input as it revises the Long-Term Plan. In addition to this workshop and comment process, stakeholders will have the opportunity to comment on that draft Revised Plan once it is released, and to participate in the Illinois Commerce Commission proceeding to approve the Revised Plan.