Last Updated October 22, 2020

The Program Administrator has announced the final 2020-2021 program year scoring rubrics for the Low-Income Community Solar sub-program based on the distribution of projects submitted.

Rubrics are calculated based on the distribution of projects in each prioritization category, as described in the Project Selection Protocol. Because the distribution of projects will change once selected projects from the EJC prioritization are removed from the pool for the subsequent prioritizations, the Program Administrator is only able to post the scoring rubric for the first prioritization category (EJC). Refer to the Project Selection Protocol for a complete explanation of the scoring and selection processes. Note, the Protocol contains one inaccuracy regarding project selection in the General Selection Stage for Low-Income Community Solar projects, which was clarified and corrected in this announcement.

The scoring rubrics for 1) the entire portfolio of Low-Income Community Solar projects submitted and 2) the EJC projects submitted within that sub-program have been posted below.

All Low-Income Community Solar Projects

Environmental Justice Communities Projects