Program Year 2019-2020 Sub-Program Budgets - Illinois Solar for All

Sub-program budget amounts for the 2019-2020 program year are listed below. Program administration expenses were prorated across the three non-pilot sub-programs according to each sub-program’s Renewable Energy Resources Fund (RERF) allocation percentage under the law. The Adjusted RERF Budget for each sub-program is calculated by subtracting that sub-program’s allocated expenses from its initial RERF allocation. Unused funds from the RERF and utility budgets for 2018-2019 within each sub-program were rolled over to 2019-2020. The total available 2019-2020 program year funds for REC incentives within each sub-program are the total of the sub-program’s Adjusted RERF Budget and utility funds, plus rolled-over funds.

Sub-Program Budgets for Program Year 2019-2020