Selected Projects for Program Year 2018-2019 - Illinois Solar for All

The Program Administrator is announcing the projects selected for the following sub-programs:

Low-Income Community Solar Sub-Program

Based on the Project Selection Protocol that was completed yesterday, the selected projects within the Low-Income Community Solar sub-program for the 2018-2019 program year have been posted below.

The last project selected has incentive values greater than the remaining annual sub-program budget available within the Renewable Energy Resources Fund. In this case, as outlined in the Project Selection Protocol and further clarified in the program announcement from Thursday, August 15, 2019, the Approved Vendor for this project may choose to (i) reduce the project size, (ii) build the originally planned project size but accept the reduced payment in exchange for RECs from a portion of the total array, or (iii) forgo ILSFA REC incentives.

The Approved Vendor has until Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:00 PM CDT to notify the Program Administrator of its decision. In the case that the Approved Vendor decides to forgo the REC incentives, that project would remain at the top of the 2018-2019 waitlist, while the next project on the ranked list will either be selected or given the same options based on the project’s size and the remaining incentives in the sub-program budget. A final list of selected projects for 2018-2019 will be posted when the sub-program budget has been fully allocated.

The Illinois Power Agency exercised its authority under Section 8.5 of the Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan to allocate $355,723.97 of utility funding from other sub-programs’ unused 2018-2019 utility budgets (of that amount, 60% from Low-Income Distributed Generation and 40% from Non-Profit/Public Facilities) to the Low-Income Community Solar sub-program for 2018-2019.

Non-Profit/Public Facilities Sub-Program

The list of selected Non-Profit/Public Facilities Projects for the 2018-2019 program year has been posted below.

Funds not allocated to 2018-2019 program year project applications will be rolled over to the 2019-2020 program year budgets.