Project Submission Window Opening September 4, 2019 - Illinois Solar for All

The Illinois Solar for All 2019/2020 program year project submission window will open at 9:00 AM CDT on Wednesday, September 4, 2019. Please note that the submission window for the 2019/2020 program year is two weeks. This schedule replaces any references to the 2019/2020 program year project submission window timeline in the Project Selection Protocol released on Thursday, May 28, 2019 and in the Approved Vendor Manual Version 2.0 released on Thursday, May 14, 2019.

Approved Vendors currently have access to the ILSFA Approved Vendor portal and are able to generate disclosure forms for program participants (as applicable) and to enter Part I applications for projects prior to Wednesday, September 4, 2019. When the project submission window opens, Approved Vendors will be able to submit batches of Part I applications. Projects in batches previously submitted for the 2018/2019 program year that were not selected for REC funding do not need to re-enter their Part I applications. However, the Approved Vendor will need to attest that all previously entered information is still correct or that the relevant updates have been made.

The project submission window for each of the Low-Income Distributed Generation, Non-Profit Organizations and Public Facilities, and Low-Income Community Solar sub-programs will be open 14 days. Part I applications must be entered and submitted in a batch during this window to be eligible for consideration if the project selection process is required. If a Part I application is entered but the project is not subsequently included in a timely submitted batch, it will not be eligible for the project selection process.

Requests for self-designation as an Environmental Justice Community (EJC) are being considered on an ongoing basis. Details on the EJC self-designation process can be found here. EJC self-designation must be approved by the EJC Self-Designation Committee before the submission window closes in order for any associated projects to be considered located within an EJC. The last day for submissions to be considered by the EJC Self-Designation Committee before the 2019/2020 project submission window closes is Friday, August 23, 2019.

Following the conclusion of the 2018/2019 project selection process, any unused funds in each of the 2018/2019 sub-program budgets will be rolled over to that sub-program’s 2019/2020 budget.

The initial project application timeline for the 2019/2020 program year is as follows:

Within each sub-program, batches of projects submitted after the initial submission window will be considered on a first come, first served basis until Sunday, May 31, 2020 if there is remaining sub-program funding available for 2019/2020. Otherwise, they will be put on the Wait List for potential consideration in the subsequent program year. (The future use, if any, of these sub-program wait lists is expected to be settled when the Illinois Commerce Commission approves an updated Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan in or around January 2020.)