The Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) independent evaluator, ILLUME Advising (“ILLUME”), hosted a webinar to gather feedback for the 2021-2022 Program Year and 2022-2023 Program Year evaluation reports, including the proposed Annual Report Evaluation Plan.

During the webinar, ILLUME sought feedback on whether their proposed research plan is aligned with the needs of interested parties, customers, and communities participating in the ILSFA program. Furthermore, ILLUME is looking for ideas on how to provide results in a format that is accessible and useful to those interacting directly with the program.

The webinar recording and slides are now available. Stakeholders can submit comments on the Evaluation Plan to by November 3 at 5 p.m. CT. Emails need to include “ILSFA Evaluation Planning Webinar Response to Evaluation Plan – [Commenters Name]” in the email subject line.