Illinois Solar for All issues a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Residential Solar Pilot. The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) and the Program Administrator seek qualified and eligible solar companies to serve as Approved Vendors for the Residential Solar Pilot. The Pilot aims to increase participation in the Illinois Solar for All: Residential Solar (Small) sub-program, with the ILSFA Program Administrator managing marketing, public outreach, public interactions, income verification, and an initial site suitability assessment for small residential distributed generation projects in the Pilot community. To qualify, Offerors must be Approved Vendors under the Illinois Shines (Adjustable Block Program) or ILSFA programs. Illinois Shines Approved Vendors that are not ILSFA Approved Vendors are required to become ILSFA Approved Vendors to participate in the Pilot. Preference will be given to small and emerging businesses.

The relevant timeline for the RFP is as follows:

  •   Residential Solar Pilot RFP Released: April 7, 2023
  •   Residential Solar Pilot RFP Webinar: April 12, 2023, 1-2 p.m. CT
  •   Offerors’ Question Period Closed: April 14, 2023
  •   Residential Solar Pilot RFP Proposals Due: April 21, 2023, 5 p.m. CT
  •   Approved Vendors Selected and Announced: May 9, 2023

Approved Vendors will be selected to work in one of the three Pilot communities. Those communities are West Garfield Park-Chicago, Waukegan, and the Carbondale-Marion area, including Jackson, Williamson, and Johnson counties.

The webinar is open to the public. To register, please fill out the Webinar Registration Form.

Request for Proposals must be submitted through the online form by Friday, April 21, 5 p.m. CT.