The Illinois Power Agency and the Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) Program Administrator are forming an ILSFA Advisory Committee to discuss and inform ongoing program development and improvements.

The IPA and Program Administrator are asking for volunteers interested in participating in the Advisory Committee to submit their names for consideration to participate on the committee for the first year.

The ILSFA Advisory Committee will have both full committee meetings and smaller subcommittee meetings to focus on particular program areas. The full Advisory Committee will meet once a quarter, with each active subcommittee meeting on an as-needed basis, with an expectation that an individual’s commitment will be for no more than one meeting a month. Each member can expect to participate in 6-10 meetings over the course of a year. The IPA and Program Administrator expect to schedule the first full Advisory Committee meeting soon.  Opportunities for stakeholders to learn more about Illinois’ growing solar market and understand Illinois Solar for All program details will be offered by the IPA and Program Administrator to support stakeholders in providing informed feedback.

The IPA and Program Administrator are looking to have a diverse group of representatives serve on the Advisory Committee with experience and expertise in various aspects of the ILSFA program, as described below, while also representing different geographic areas across the state.

Please submit the following in an email to by Monday, November 14, 2022 (The deadline was extended to November 30):

1.       Name
2.       Your City
3.       Organization you represent (if any)
4.       Brief statement explaining why you’re interested in participating
5.       Which of the following categories is representative of your experience?

a.       Approved Vendor – Up to 5 Approved Vendor representatives will be selected.  A selected individual should satisfy one or more of the following requirements.

  • completed a Residential project
  • completed CS and/or NP project
  • MWBE Approved Vendor, Aggregator, Designee, or sub-contractor

b.       Grassroots Educator –2 representatives will be selected with the intent of selecting one from each utility territory

c.       Program Participant – up to 4 program participants, with the intent of one representative from each sub-program and at least one representing each geography

  • Residential (small)
  • Residential (large)
  • Community Solar
  • Non-Profit and Public Facility

d.       Community Action Agency representative – 2 representatives, one from each utility territory

e.       Solar Job Training Program representative

  • A training program organization representative
  • A training program participant/graduate representative

f.        Solar Industry representative

g.       Advocacy Group – up to 3 representatives focusing on areas such as:

  • Sustainability
  • Environmental justice
  • Consumer protections
  •  Climate

Each Utility (ComEd, Ameren, and MidAmerican), the Illinois Commerce Commission, and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity will be asked to select representatives to participate in the Advisory Committee.